My friend Christina Dunbar-Hester and her colleague Bryce Renninger are guest curators of a pretty eclectic and awesome exhibit of gender-subversive art and artifacts which runs through June 3, 2013 at Rutgers University Institute for Women and Art in the Douglass Library. In their words, “Trans Technology focuses on technological art and artifacts that engage in trans, queer and feminist projects that help to trans (to use the word as a verb: spanning; interrogating; crossing; fusing) conceptions of the heterosexual matrix in technology.” A bunch of the featured creators will be at a symposium this Tuesday, March 5, 2013.
I was asked to contribute a jokey tee shirt with a series of (fallopian) tubes (Senator Stevens, don’t tie our tubes!) that I made back in 2006. Click here for the back story. My friend and frequent collaborator, Georgia Guthrie, is showing a piece that she knit from network cable and a computer keyboard. She and I will also be participating throughout the day on a hacking demonstration in the morning and a panel in the afternoon.

It’s exciting and humbling to be featured alongside Micha Cárdenas, who recently has been working on a wearable electronics art-activist project that would allow people to alert each other of danger or harm with the push of a button by connecting the wearables wirelessly. It’s also amazing to be on a bill with the Barbie Liberation Organization, famous for swapping the voice boxes in talking Barbie and G. I. Joe dolls. Artists featured in the exhibit include: Shana Agid, Stephanie Alarcón, Zach Blas, Micha Cárdenas, Heather Cassils, Zackary Drucker, Georgia Guthrie, Jacolby Satterwhite, and Sandy Stone; including two artist/activist groups- Genderchangers and the Barbie Liberation Organization (BLO).Â
With those teasers, I’ll leave you to explore the other artists and participants on your own. Here’s the schedule for the day, and if you can’t make it on Tuesday, consider checking out the exhibit during its run until June 3.
SYMPOSIUM / March 5, 2013 This event is free and open to the public DOUGLASS LIBRARY Hacking Workshop/Demonstration 11 AM – 12:15 PM
Lunch 12:15 -1:15 PM ALEXANDER LIBRARY Interventions in Tech Industry and STEMÂ 2 – 3:30 PM
Utopian Technics 4 – 5:30 PM On View: Trans Technology